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MySQL Interview Questions and Answers

MySQL Interview Questions and Answers

July 24th, 2019

MySQL Interview Questions and Answers

In case you’re searching for MySQL Interview Questions and answers for Experienced or Freshers, you are at the correct place. Additionally, Our MySQL Online Training will be the foundation knowledge to join the big companies in industries like aerospace, education, defense, financial services, healthcare, pharma, government, manufacturing, retail industry, software, hardware, and media. MySQL Online Course will bring comprehensive knowledge into topics like MySQL, database design, database structures, advanced queries, MySQL concepts, manage users, manage privileges, back up, restoration of MySQL database, tune MySQL Server, SQL replication, and PHP. Industry owned experts from MNC companies work with us to impart the knowledge to create the leaders and experts. We transform the skills from novice to expert through our MySQL Online Certification Training. As a part of the training, we guide the students for the interviews with interview questions and answers. Find below the detailed description of the expected questions in the stream of MySQL.

There is a parcel of chances from many presumed organizations on the planet. The MySQL advertise is relied upon to develop to more than $5 billion by 2021, from just $180 million, as per MySQL industry gauges. In this way, despite everything you have the chance to push forward in your vocation in MySQL Development. Gangboard offers Advanced MySQL Interview Questions and answers that assist you in splitting your MySQL interview and procure dream vocation as MySQL Developer.

Best MySQL Interview Questions and Answers

Do you believe that you have the right stuff to be a section in the advancement of future MySQL, the GangBoard is here to control you to sustain your vocation. Various fortune 1000 organizations around the world are utilizing the innovation of MySQL to meet the necessities of their customers. MySQL is being utilized as a part of numerous businesses. To have a great development in MySQL work, our page furnishes you with nitty-gritty data as MySQL prospective employee meeting questions and answers. MySQL Interview Questions and answers are prepared by 10+ years of experienced industry experts. MySQL Interview Questions and answers are very useful to the Fresher or Experienced person who is looking for a new challenging job from the reputed company. Our MySQL Questions and answers are very simple and have more examples for your better understanding.
By this MySQL Interview Questions and answers, many students are got placed in many reputed companies with high package salary. So utilize our MySQL Interview Questions and answers to grow in your career.  

Q1) Define MySql

Answer: MySql, an open-source Database Management System.  MySql AB (assimilated by Oracle) is the one that constructed, maintained, and circulated MySql.

 Q2) List out the benefits of MySql

Answer: MySql has the below benefits:

  • Opensource
  • Consistent
  • Quick
  • Easy to use

Q3) When compared with Oracle, what are the advantages of MySql?

Answer: Below is the advantages of MySql when compared with Oracle:

  • No charges involved as it an opensource tool
  • Affords a GUI along with command prompt
  • MySql is a portable
  • MySql Query Browser takes care of the administration

Q4) Which command is used to add a row in a database?

Answer: INSERT is the command used to add a row.

Q5) Which command is used to remove rows from a table ‘SAMPLE’?


Q6) Define SQL WHERE clause

Answer: SQL WHERE clause restricts the row data that are returned.

Q7) What is the major purpose of SQL?

Answer: To stipulate syntax and semantics of SQL data definition language, manipulation language and to describe the data structures.

Q8) What is a VIEW in SQL language?

Answer: The VIEW command is used to access a virtual table through SQL commands.

Q9) What command is used to remove a table from a database?

Answer: DROP TABLE is the command used to remove from a database.

Q10) Which is considered as an effective SQL query for an Index?

Answer: CREATE INDEX ID is the query used for an Index.

Q11) What are the string types used for columns?

Answer: The string types are,

  • ENUM
  • CHAR
  • TEXT
  • BLOB
  • SET

Q12) How to login to MySql through Unix shell?

Answer: You can login using the below command,
# [MySql dir]/bin/MySql -h hostname -u <UserName> -p <password>

Q13) How to regulate the maximum size of a HEAP table?

Answer: The variable named ‘max_heap_table_size’ is used to control the size of a HEAP table.

Q14) Define federated tables

Answer: Federated table permits access to the tables that are available on other databases on different servers.

Q15) Mention different table types available in MySql

Answer: The table types are:

  • Heap
  • Merge
  • MyISAM
  • ISAM

Q16) Define ISAM

Answer: ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access Method) was established by IBM to retrieve and store data on secondary storage systems.

Q17) What is the way to display the top 50 rows?

Answer: To display the top 50 rows, use the command given below:
LIMIT, 0, 50;

Q18) Using CREATE command, what are the objects can be created

Answer: The objects are,

  • USER
  • VIEW

Q19) Mention the triggers used in MYSQL Table

Answer: The available triggers are,


Q20) What is a TEXT in MYSQL?

Answer: TEXT is said to be a case-insensitive BLOB. They are defined as a non-binary string. TEXT holds a character sets and values that are stored, and it is related based on the organization of the character set.

Q21) Mention the nonstandard string types

Answer: The Non-standard string types are,

  • TEXT

Q22) What is BLOB?

Answer: BLOB defines a large binary object which is used to hold a flexible volume of data.

Q23) Mention the 4 types of BLOB in MYSQL

Answer: The available BLOB types are,

  • BLOB

Q24) Mention one difference between temporary table and heap table

Answer: Temporary tables do not have the sharing options while the heap tables can be shared amount of different clients. Heap tables are considered as a storage point while a temporary one fails in storing the data.

Q25) Mention any 2 advantages of MYSQL to Oracle

Answer: The advantages are,

  • MYSQL works great for database enabled items while Oracle is written for enterprises.
  • MYSQL is portable and user-friendly.
  • MYSQL consumes 1MB of RAM usage while Oracle uses more than 100 MB on your laptop.

Q26) Mention the query used to get current date in MYSQL

Answer: The query used to get the current date is,

Q27) Define save point concept in MySql

Answer: SAVEPOINT is defined as a statement in MySql to obtain a baptized transaction savepoint along with an identifier name.

Q28) List the column comparison operators used in MYSQL

Answer: The comparison operators are <<, <>, >=,>>, AND, LIKE, OR, <=, >, etc.

Q29) Which is the default port available in MYSQL?

Answer: 3306 is the default port allocated in MYSQL.

Q30) Define Primary key

Answer: To locate and identify a row in a table, a primary key is essentially used in the MySql server.
Q31) What is a candidate key?
Answer: A candidate key is defined as a set of columns that is majorly used to find any records in the MySql database without any need of a reference to data.

Q32) List the available drivers in the database

Answer: The available drivers in MYSQL are,

  • PYTHON Driver
  • JDBC Driver
  • CAP11PHP Drive
  • ODBC Driver
  • net5.mxz
  • RUBY Driver
  • PHP Driver
  • PERL Driver

Q33) Define DML in MYSQL

Answer: Data Manipulative Language (DML) manages processes and data handlings. Few examples of DML commands include Insert and select.

Q34) Define DCL

Answer: Data Control Languages (DCL) is nothing but a permission concept. In other words, the approval to access various parts of a database.

Q35) What is the query used to concatenate strings?

Answer: To concatenate use the below query:
CONCAT (example string1, example string2, example string3)

Q36) Define foreign key

Answer: It is single or multiple columns that have values that are linked to a primary key to a different table.

Q37) Explain Index

Answer: Index is referred to 1 or many columns defined to have the values arranged uniquely manner to enhance data retrieval velocity.

Q38) Define rollback concept

Answer: Rollback concept helps to dismiss an operation or transaction while the database variations not protected to the MYSQL server.

Q39) Mention the groups of data types available in MYSQL

Answer: The three types are,

  • Numeric
  • Date & Time data
  • String data types

Q40) Give a few examples of Numeric data types used in MYSQL

Answer: Numeric data types are,

  • BIT

Q41) Give a few examples of String data types used in MYSQL

Answer: Available String data types are,

  • TEXT
  • CHAR
  • ENUM
  • SET

Q42) Mention Time and Date data types available

Answer: Time and Date data types are,

  • DATE,
  • YEAR
  • TIME

Q43) Give the SQL command to retrieve indexes from a table named ‘employee’

Answer: The command used to retrieve indexes from a given table is ‘SHOW INDEX FROM employee’.

Q44) Mention a way to drop existing View

Answer: The view can be deleted by using the command, ‘DROP VIEW viewName’.

Q45) Explain Data Warehousing

Answer: A Data Warehousing is simply defined as a central Data storehouse, formed using diverse Data Sources. 

Q46) List some common functionalities with MYSQL

Answer: The common functions used with MYSQL are,

  • NOWO

Q47) What is the numeric limit on indexed columns creation to a table?

Answer: 16 indexed columns can be created as a maximum limit.

Q48) How a user can get the current version of MYSQL application?

Answer: The syntax ‘SELECT VERSION ();’ is used to know the current version of MYSQL.

Q49) Mention the advantage of ENUM in a database

Answer: ENUM in MYSQL helps to condense the values/data that can enter a table.

Q50) Mention OLAP storage models available

Answer: The three models are,

  • HOLAP and