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Talend Interview Questions and Answers

Talend Interview Questions and Answers

May 30th, 2019

In case you’re searching for Talend Interview Questions and answers for Experienced or Freshers, you are at the correct place. There is parcel of chances from many presumed organizations on the planet. The Talend advertise is relied upon to develop to more than $5 billion by 2021, from just $180 million, as per Talend industry gauges. In this way, despite everything you have the chance to push forward in your vocation in AWS Development. Gangboard offers Advanced Talend Interview Questions and answers that assist you in splitting your Talend interview and procure dream vocation as Talend Developer.

Best Talend Interview Questions and Answers

Do you believe that you have the right stuff to be a section in the advancement of future Talend, the GangBoard is here to control you to sustain your vocation. Various fortune 1000 organizations around the world are utilizing the innovation of Talend to meet the necessities of their customers. Talend is being utilized as a part of numerous businesses. To have a great development in Talend work, our page furnishes you with nitty-gritty data as Talend prospective employee meeting questions and answers. Talend Interview Questions and answers are prepared by 10+ years experienced industry experts. Talend Interview Questions and answers are very useful to the Fresher or Experienced person who is looking for the new challenging job from the reputed company. Our Talend Questions and answers are very simple and have more examples for your better understanding.
By this Talend Interview Questions and answers, many students are got placed in many reputed companies with high package salary. So utilize our Talend Interview Questions and answers to grow in your career.

Q1. What is Talend?

Answer: open source software. Implemented in java language. So whatever you create in talend in backend code will generate in java.

Q2. Name the services offered by Talend?

Answer: Data Integration, Data Management, Cloud, bigdata..

Q3. What is Talend job?

Answer: It includes components to perform different task of integration.

Q4. How to create a job?

Answer: Go to Repository View, Right Click on Job Designs and then create job.

Q5. How can you add component in your talend job?


  • Component can be select from palette view and then drag and drop.
  • In designer view you can type the component name and then select.

Q6. Where are you going to implement the logics for integration?

Answer: Designer view of talend job.

Q7. Can we modify the code of talend job in code view?

Answer: No.

Q8. Can we write customized java code in Talend?

Answer: Yes.

Q9. How can we write the customized java code in Talend?

First is using routines. Routines can be used in multiple job.
Second is using components like tjava, tjavarow and tjavaflex in talend job. If we are writing code using component then that is only applicable for that specific job.

Q10. Difference between tjava, tjavarow and tjavaflex component in talend?

tjava – execute only once,
tjavarow – execute for each row,
tjavaflex – if we want to perform specific task at certain time for that row. tjavaflex contains three sections: Start (code written here will execute before processing any row), Main (code will execute for each row), End (code will execute after processing every row).

Q11. Which component of talend can perform various tasks?

Answer:  tmap.

Q12. List the usage of tmap component?


  • map the data from one or more sources to one or more destination.
  • Data transformation
  • Filtering of data
  • Rejection of data

Q13. Can we call job within job?

Answer: yes using trunjob component. In properties of trunjob component job name can be selected.

Q14. How can you export job?

Answer: Select the job from repository view, right click and then export job. There you can specify if you want this export this job only or dependencies also.

Q15. What will contain in exported files from talend?

Answer: It includes .properties, .screenshot and .item files.

Q16. Which component can be used to print the data on console?

Answer: tlogrow

Q17. How can we execute job on remote server in local Talend Studio?

Answer: Firstly configure remote server – Go to Window, -> Preferences ->Talend ->Run/Debug -> Remote -> Add remote server details.
And Now to execute the job on remote server  go to Run job view -> Target Exec tab -> select the remote server and then run the job.

Q18.   How can we create contexts which can be used in multiple job?

Answer: Create context in repository view. And then those contexts can be imported in multiple jobs wherever it’s required.

Q19. Is it possible to call web services from talend job?

Answer: Yes

Q20. How can we execute shell script from talend job?

Answer: using t System component.

Q21. Why ‘GC overhead limit exceeded’ error occurs?
Answer: error occurs when Garbage collector memory is fully utilized and no more memory left to process further. Generally in talend we will see such scenarios when job handling huge lookup data. Increase in -Xmx jvm argument will help in solving the issue.

 Q22. which command is used to check running jobs in server.

Answer: Jps -m

Q23. Types of Scheduling triggers in TAC

Answer: 3 types. – Simple trigger,CronUI trigger,Filetrigger

Q24. How can you capture logs using tlogCatcher component?

Answer: Using tdie, twarn components we can log events including customized message and event code.

Q25. How can you store job logs using AMC?

Answer: we can activity AMC by enabling user errors,warning and run time error in stats and log tab under job window.either we can log the entries in DataBase or Files or Console.

Q26. Name some cache memory components.

Answer: tHashInput and tHashOutput.

Q27. Null handling in Talend?

Answer: There are 90% chances of job failure due to Null handling exception. In order to avoid the exception, it is advisable to check column for null value and then do transformations on that column.
Example : (row1.Name != null) ? StringHandling.Right(row1.Name,3) : null

Q28.How data can be sent from the parent job to the child job?

Answer:We can use context variable to pass value from parent to child job by assigning value in tRunJob component.

Q29.What is Dynamic schema?

Answer: Using Dynamic schema we can extract all the columns irrespective of thier data types in single column.

Q30. What is Shared DB Connection in Talend?

Answer: We can use same DB connection within job multiple times by creating a shared DB connection in basic settings of the first DB connection component.

Q31. Handling Hierarchical XML file and extracting data?

Answer: We can use tfileMSXMLinput, tfileMSXMLoutput components to extract data or create XML structure from Hierarchical XML having multiple loops at different level.

Q32. Techniques to increase performance of a job having huge lookup data?

Answer: unmap unwanted columns, apply filters on row level, enable parallelisam.

Q33. How to execute a Talend Job remotely?

Answer: By building the job including dependables and running executable files (.sh or .bat files) in remote server.

Q34. What are Routines and how they can be accessed?

Answer: Routines are reusable java code that contains functions that can be accessed through out project by calling routine name in expression editor.

Q35. List some of the components used to connect MQ websphere

Answer: tmomconnection,tmominput, tmomoutput,tmomcommit,tmomrollback.

Q36. Why Talend?

Answer: Talend provides simple and unified user interface having Repository window, pallete window, job design window and configuration/run window.
Also, it has 800+ components available which can be dragged from pallete window and used simply.

Q37. How can we perform different types of join using Talend components?

Answer: We can use tJoin and tMap. tJoin only supports inner join; we can perform other oins using tMap.

Q38. Benifits of using tMap over tJoin:

Answer: we can perform inner and outer join using tMap. Also we can filter data using tMap. Also we can create multiple outputs using tMap.

Q39. What is context variables?

Answer: Variables having different values as per the environments. We define values for variables used in a job in DEV or PROD as context so that we can choose the values of these variables during run time without changing the job.

Q40. What is dynamic schema and how can we define dynamic schema?

Answer: Dynamic schema is type of schema whose structure changes as per the incoming set of data. It can be defined while defining schema by choosing data type as dynamic.

Q41. What is use of tJavaFlex?

Answer: We can run set of user defined java codes having multiple parts using tJavaFlex.

Q42. How can we trigger a component after successful run of other components?

Answer: We can use tParallelize component and configure it to wait for all to finish.

Q43. How can we schedule a job in Talend?

Answer: We can schedule a job using TAC. First we publish the job to nexus then export the job as zip file and ass the job to TAC from nexus. After that we generate the job in PROD environment then deploy it in PROD. After that we can use triggers to schedule the job on server.

Q44. How many types of triggers present in TAC/Talend?

Answer: 3 types of triggers we can use to schedule the job:

  • Normal trigger
  • Cron trigger
  • File trigger

Q45. How to create a Hadoop cluster in Talend?

go to metadata –> Right click on Hadoop cluster –> Create a new cluster –> provide distribution details, cloudera or hortonworks –> provide URI and credentials

Q46. How to read a JSON file using Talend?

Answer: We can use tFileInputJSON to read a JSON file. In the component TAB we can configure this component and define the type to read: JSON query/JSON PATH without loop.

Q47. How to create a Map Reduce job through Talend?

Answer: Go to job design –> right click –> choose amp reduce ob –> use tHdfsInput component –> perform operations using talend normal components like tmap/tsort etc –> load the data using tHdfsOutput

Q48. How can we call a child job in master job? How can we trigger particular steps before and after a job?

Answer: We can use trunjob component to call the child job and connect it using connectors. For performing specidic steps before a job we use tPrejob and for after the completion of ob we use tPostjob.

Q49. How many run modes are there in Talend?

Answer: There are two types of run mode:

  • Normal mode
  • debug mode- we can define breakpoints in a job while running a job to debug.

Q50. What is the use of the tContexLoad component?

Answer: tContexLoad is used to change the values of the existing context while execution. We can provide the run time values to context variables using this component.

Q51. Difference between tsortaggrow and tag grow

Aggro will accept any type of data
Aggsortrow will accept data in sorted order

Q52. Difference between hash and buffet components

Hash is used in a single job
Buffer can be used in different job

Q53. Difference between partition and departure

Partition is you can split data into number of flows
Departure is to make a single flow for a number of flows

Q54. how can we improve the performance of a job

Reduce the number of maps
Remove unnecessary columns
Optimize query if included

Q55. Design a job where the job should start if there are records in the DB.

Answer: We have to use an online parameter if it is greater than 0 job should start.

Q56. Design a job where it can read files when the file is in the folder.

Answer: We have a component file where we have to write code if the file exists started.

Q57. Design a job where updated records or newly inserted records must be loaded into the target

Answer: Design a job where we have to design it should pic from next record use Count of db

Q58. Explain parallelism

Answer: All jobs cam run parallel where performance can be increased

Q59. How to improve map performance

Answer: We have advance settings delete cache data we have to use it.

Q60. what is the use of a unique match

Answer: It will pic unique record from a set of records