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How are Agile and DevOps different from each other?

How are Agile and DevOps different from each other?

February 21st, 2019

Agile Vs DevOps

In order to understand the difference between the two software models, it’s important to delve a little deep into the pre-agile Era and have a look at the waterfall model and look how the agile software differs. Then, it becomes easier to identify the difference between Agile and DevOps.

However, both the Agile and DevOps are two different theories which many organizations employ to reach some conclusion that often overlaps between the two. Both the software development processes are applied to organizational functions. The two theories are not complete the same but, at the same time, they are neither enemies.

To have a better understanding of the two development theories one needs to be flexible in understanding the change and realize that there isn’t any single solution for all the organizational need.

What is DevOps? Introduction to DevOps

Closer difference between Agile and DevOps

Agile is a software development methodology that employs 4 different values and 12 principles that helps in building the ‘agile’ software development culture. It emphasizes on incremental, iterative and evolutionary development. The process breaks the product into pieces and then integrates into final testing.

DevOps, on the other hand, emphasize on communication, integration, and collaboration as the prime aspects to enable faster deployment of products. The DevOps culture encourages and promotes collaboration between the operation team and development.

Difference in speed

Agile is more about adapting rapidly to the changing requirements and initiate better collaboration between different smaller teams. DevOps, on the other hand, do not work on such principles. It promotes a fully automated and continuous integration process and deployment to initiate frequent releases.

Difference in advantage

The agile software methodology has a greater advantage over the conventional waterfall model. The agile process has many other advantages including the user-focused development, team collaboration, flexibility and faster delivery of the product. However, it does come with certain challenges.

On the other hand, enables better quality and innovation but it can act as an additional burden for the team if it’s not executed properly and leads to wasted investment on tools and infrastructure- on -code.

In areas of specialization

Agile emphasizes on giving equal opportunity to every member of the team, which in a way prevents slowdown of processes and bottlenecks.

On the other hand, Devops, emphasize having distinctive teams for managing development and operations, they stay within the teams but they make active communications.


In the agile software process, it gives more importance to the working system over the method or process of documentation. However, it certain scenarios it can be ideal to be flexible and responsive but, it can hurt if you are trying to turn things around and goes to some other team for deployment.

In the DevOps software development process, documentation is the foremost priority as it will send the software for deployment to the operational team. The automation process will subsequently reduce the impact of insufficient documentation. However, in certain cases, it becomes difficult to transfer all the requisite knowledge in the development of complex software.


Agile creates a better application that suits perfectly as per the desired requirements. It can adapt easily as the changes made in time and during the life of the project.

Devops, on the other hand, contributes to creating a better quality based on automation and early bug removal. It’s important for developers to follow the best architectural and coding practices to improve quality standards.


In Agile, the teams generally work for a shorter duration with a predetermined time known as sprints. The duration can rarely last a month and sometimes it is as short as a week. In DevOps, it gives more emphasis on long term schedules with greater reliability that minimizes the risk of business disruptions.

So, these stark differences make us conclude that both the software processes are not the same. Agile does not lead to DevOps but, both the processes can have their own set of cultural shifts in the organization. But despite all the differences choosing both the software processes is an active decision that many in the industry believes can bring a better decision-making process in the organization and thus in a way can improve the overall culture of the organization at large.