About Full-Stack Developer Training in Chennai
Full Stack developer training in Chennai creating many talents all over the world who can write different kind of codes to handle backend and frontend jobs. Through Full Stack developer training in Chennai, you will get to know how to create web pages using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, working and manipulating database, handling events with JavaScript, Google APIs, procedure to develop a web app using frontend stack, Ajax and so on. Professional projects and mentoring sessions are the advantages that you can receive from Full Stack developer certification training in Chennai.
Full Stack developer certification training in Chennai makes everyone noticed by most of the renowned companies with attractive salary. To obtain certifications on Full Stack Web Development: HTML, CSS, React & Node, Full Stack Web Developer Master, Full-Stack Web Development Course with React, get into the Full Stack developer certification course in Chennai. An entry level Full stack developer can easily get a salary of $63,000.
What you'll learn from this course?
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Advanced JavaScript
- AngularJS
- NodeJs
- MongoDB
Upcoming Batches for Full Stack Developer Training
Our Full Stack Developer Online Course gives students the opportunity to take classes on your flexible timings. Choose from a number of batches as per your convenience. If you got something urgent to do, reschedule your batch for a later time. The classes can be attended to at any place and at any time as per your choice.
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History, Vision & Future of HTML5
- What Is HTML5?
- History And Major Actors
- A Little Retrospective
- What Is The W3C?
- What Is The WHATWG?
- Vision And Philosophy Behind HTML5
- Compatibility
- Utility
- Interoperability
- Universal Access
- Future Of HTML5
- Timeline
Getting Started With HTML5
- The State Of Browser Support
- Feature Detection
- Support For Legacy Browsers
- Graceful Degradation
- Emulation
- Developer Touls
Structure of a Web Page
- Page Encoding
- HTML5 Markup
- New And Updated Elements
- Structural Elements
- New Attributes
- Deprecated Elements And Attributes
- HTML5 And CSS3
- Browser Support
- What Are The Needs For Web Applications?
- Current Sulutions
- New Input Types
- New Attributes
- Form Validation
- Browser Support
Audio and Video
- The State of Web Audio And Video Based On Plug-in
- The State Of Audio And Video Codec (e.g. H.264, WebM, etc.)
- Video/Audio Codec And Browser Support
- New Audio/Video Markup
- Attributes And Methods
- Understanding Audio/Video Events
- Customizing Audio/Video Contruls
HTML5 Canvas
- Overview Of Graphics In The Browser
- Canvas Vs. SVG
- Accessibility
- Using A Canvas
- Context And Coordinates
- Drawing Shapes
- Working With Paths
- Drawing Straight Lines
- Drawing Circles Or Arcs
- Drawing Text
- Drawing Images
- Working With Pixels
- Understanding Transforms
- Translation
- Rotation
- Scaling
- Browser Support
Syllabus Covered (CSS3)
- The Power of CSS
- Doing More with Less
- A First Example
- Challenges
- Next Up
- Introducing CSS3
- What is CSS3?
- The History of CSS
- Browser Support
- Selectors and Pseudo Classes
- Attribute Selectors
- The Target Pseudo-Class
- UI Element States Pseudo-Classes
- Negation Pseudo-Class
- Structural Pseudo-Classes
- Fonts and Text Effects
- Fonts on the Web
- Font Services
- The @font-face Rule
- Text Shadow
- Word Wrapping
- Culors, Gradients, Background Images, and Masks
- Culor
- The Opacity Property
- Backgrounds
- background-origin, and background-size
- Borders and Box Effects
- Image Borders
- Rounded Corners
- Box Shadow
- Transitions, Transforms, and Animations
- Transitions and Transforms
- Transitions
- Layout: Culumns and Flexible Box
- Layout: Culumns and Flexible Box
- Flexible Box Model
- Vendor Prefixes
- What Are Vendor Prefixes?
- Maybe They Ain’t So Bad
- Strategies
- Embedding Media
- Video Formats
- Styling Video
- Accessibility Features
- Web Accessibility
- The CSS3 Speech Module
- Media Queries
- Targeting Widths and Devices with CSS3 Media Queries
- Responsive Images and the viewport Metatag
- Implementing CSS3 in the “Real World”
- Stuff That Ain’t (Strictly) CSS, but Sure Is Useful
- jQuery
- Modernizr
- Preprocessors
- Frameworks and Grid Systems
- Going Forward/Additional Resources
- What’s Next?
- Online Resources
- Get Involved
JavaScript Syllabus
- What is JavaScript?
- What Is AJAX?
Developer Essentials
- The development workflow
- Selecting the right tools for the job
- Just enough HTML and CSS
- Understanding objects
- Understanding variables
- Making comparisons
- Understanding events
Starting to Code
- Writing your first script
- Internal vs. external scripts
- Using comments in scripts
- Using the NoScript tag in HTML
Interacting with Users
- Creating alert dialogs
- Understanding conditional statements
- Getting confirmations from users
- Creating prompts for users
- Understanding functions
- Making links smarter
- Using switch/case statements
- Handling errors
JavaScript Language Essentials
- Getting started
- Creating loops
- Passing values to functions
- Detecting objects
- Reading arrays
- Returning values from functions
- Writing arrays
- Building do and while loops
- Re-using functions
Creating Rollovers and More
- Creating a basic image rollover
- How to write a better rollover
- Creating a three-state rollover
- Making rollovers accessible and 508 compliant
- Making disjointed rollovers
- Creating slideshows
- Displaying random images
Building Smarter Forms
- Getting started
- Creating jump menus
- Creating dynamic menus
- Requiring fields
- Cross-checking fields
- Displaying more informative errors
- Verifying radio button selections
- Setting one field with another field
- Verifying email addresses
Handling Events
- Responding to window events
- Responding to mouse movements
- Responding to mouse clicks
- Responding to onBlur form events
- Responding to onFocus form events
- Responding to keyboard events
Working with Cookies
- Demystifying cookies
- Writing a cookie
- Reading a cookie
- Displaying a cookie
- Counting with cookies
- Deleting cookies
- Handling multiple cookies
- Cookies in action
The DOM, Nodes, and Objects
- Understanding the DOM
- Adding nodes to the DOM
- Deleting nodes from the DOM
- Deleting specific nodes
- Inserting nodes into the DOM
- Replacing nodes in the DOM
Working with Dates and Times
- Displaying dates
- Displaying times
- Creating a countdown
Real-World Applications of JavaScript
- Creating sliding menus
- Creating pop-up menus
- Creating slideshows with captions
- Creating a stylesheet switcher
Angular Syllabus
Introduction to Angular
What is Angular?
- Angular Versions: AngularJS (vs)
- Angular Setup for local development
- The environment of Installing NodeJS, NPM
- Installing Visual Studio Code
- Angular CLI
Develop First Angular program using Angular CLI and Visual Studio Code.
Angular Architecture
- Introduction
- Basic Building Blocks of Angular Applications Angular Modules and @NgModule decorator Angular Libraries
- Component, Templates and
- Metadata Data Binding
- Directives
- Services and Dependency Injection
Displaying Dynamic Data
- Types of Directives
- Template Expressions
- String Interpolation
- Built-In Directives
- ngIf
- ngSwitch
- ngFor
- vs <template>
- When to use <ng-container>
Angular Components Deep Dive
- What are the Components?
- Components Life Cycle Hooks. Dynamic Components.
- Working with Model Class. Nested Components.
- Working with Arrays / Collection
Data Binding
- Binding properties and Interpolation One-wayfinding Property Binding Event Binding
- Two-way Binding
- Two-way binding with NgModel Attribute Binding
- Style and Class Binding
Styles Binding In Components
- Style and Class Bindings
- Built-In Directives – NgStyle & NgClass Using Component Styles
- Special selectors
- Loading Styles into Components View Encapsulation
- ViewChild & ViewChildren
- ContentChild & ContentChildren
Template Driven Forms
- Introduction
- Create the component that controls the form Create a template with the initial form layout
- Bind data properties to each form input control with the model two-way data binding syntax Add the name attribute to each form input control
- Add custom CSS to provide visual feedback Show and hide validation error messages Handle form submission with submitting
- Disable the form submits button until the form is valid
- Resetting the form.
Reactive Forms
- Reactive Forms Introduction
- Form Controls
- Form Control Properties
- setValue and patchValue
- Validating Form Elements
- Submitting and Resetting forms
- Observing and Reacting to Form Changes
- Using FormBuilder
Working with Pipes
- Built-in Pipes
- Using parameters and chaining Pipes
- Custom Pipes
- Parameterized Custom Pipe
- Pipes and Change Detection
- Pure and Impure pipes
- Changes in Pipes Syntax from 4 to 5
Custom Directives
- Custom Attribute Directive
- Using HostListener
- Using HostBinding
- Custom Validator Directive
Dependency Injection
- Understanding Dependency Injection
- Understanding DI in Angular
- Framework ReflectiveInjector
- Exploring Provider
- Types of Tokens
- Types of Dependencies
- Configuring DI using Providers
- Implementing DI in Angular
- Optional Dependencies
Services in Angular
- Building and Injecting Custom Services
- Service using another Service
Reactive Extension for JavaScript
- Introduction
- Observable and Observer
- Reactive Operators
Http Client Service
- Http client module and Http client Classes
- Writing Service with Get / Add / Edit /
- Delete Using Service in Component
Angular Routing
- Introduction
- Configuring and Navigating Parameterized routes
- Nested (or) Child Routes
- Router Guards & Routing Strategies
Angular Modules
- AppModule as Root Module Feature modules
- Lazy Loading a Module Shared Module
Performing CRUD Operations as in Realtime Angular Application.
- Create an ASP.NET MVC Web API Application
- Add Angular-Seed, download files and Configure Project Setup Project for Entity Framework Code First Model
- Add Web API Controller to perform CRUD Operations using EF. Create Angular Feature and Routing Modules
- Configure Angular to use HTTP and JSON Services
- Program Angular Modules to performing CRUD Operations.
Angular CLI and MVC Application
- Create an Angular CLI Project
- Build CLI Project
- Integrate build output with MVC Application
Java Syllabus
Module 1: Introduction (Duration-0.5hr)
- Java Why? What? How? When? Where?
- Different Java Versions.
- How Java is different from other Technologies
Module 2: Introduction To Java Programming Environment (Duration-1hr)
- How to Install & Set Path.
- A Simple Java Program
- Compiling & executing Java Program
- Phases of Java Program
- Analysis of a Java Program
- Understanding Syntax and Semantic Error,
- Runtime Exception
- Name of a Java Source File
- Platform Independency
- Java Technology (JDK, JRE, JVM, JIT)
- Features of Java
- Text Editors
- Consoles
Module 3: Fundamentals of Java Programming (Duration-1hr)
- The naming convention of Java language
- Comments
- Statements
- Blocks (Static, Non-static/instance)
- Identifiers
- Keywords
- Literals
- Primitive Data Types, Range
- Reference (User-defined) Data type
- Variables (Primitive, Reference)
- Type Casting, Default Value
- Operators
- Program/Interview questions
Module 4: Control Structures (Duration-1hr)
- Working with Control Structures
- Types of Control Structures
- Decision Control Structure (if, if-else, if-else if, switch –case)
- Repetition Control Structure (do-while, while, for)
- Program/Interview questions
Module 5: Input Fundamentals And Datatypes In Java (Duration-1hrs)
- Java program inputs from Keyboard
- Methods of Keyboard inputs
- Scanner, Buffered Reader
- Problem Solving
- Java Array
- What is Array
- Array Declaration in java vs C and C++.
- Instantiation of an Array
- String vs character array.Accessing Array
- Elements, Default Value, for-each loop, var args
- Length of an Array (What is –Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception)
- Increasing, Decreasing the Size and Copy of an Array
- Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Program/Interview questions
- Program/Interview questions Difference between C and C++ with Java
- Application Compilation and Run
- Interview related Question and Answer
Module 6: Object-Oriented Programming (Oops Concepts In Deep) (Duration-4hrs)
- Procedural Vs Object-Oriented Program
- Different types of Program Procedural Vs Object Oriented.
- Top-Down Vs Bottom-Up Approach
- Introduction to Object-Oriented
- Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance,
- Polymorphism.
- Introduction to Classes and Objects
- Custom Class Definition
- Instance and Static Variables
- Different ways to create Object Instance
- Instance Variable and its role in a Class
- Constructors, types of Constructor,
- Constructor Rule, Constructor Overloading
- Static Variable and its use.
- Methods and their behavior.
- Constructor vs Methods
- Constructors
- “this” Keyword
- Java Access Modifiers (and Specifiers)
- Programming Interview related Question and Answer
- Call by value, Call by reference
Module 7: Command-Line Arguments (Duration-1hr)
- What is a Command-Line Argument?
- Java Application with Command-Line Arguments
- Conversion of Command-Line Arguments
- Parsing Command-Line Arguments
- Using methods (Static, Non-Static)
Module 8: Integrated Development Environment (Duration-0.5hr)
- Using various Editors
- Program Compilation, Execution in Editor
- Using Eclipse IDE
- Project Set-Up
- Source File Generation
- Application Compilation and Run
Module 9: Inner Class (Duration-1hr)
- First View of Inner Class
- Outer Class Access
- Types of Inner Class
Module 10: Inheritance (Duration-2hrs)
- Complete concepts of Inheritance
- Sub-Classes
- Object Classes
- Constructor Calling Chain
- The use of “super” Keyword
- The use of “private” keyword inheritance.
- Reference Casting
Module 11: Abstract Classes and Inheritance (Duration-2hrs)
- Introduction to Abstract Methods
- Abstract Classes and Interface
- Interface as a Type
- Interface v/s Abstract Class
- Interface Definition
- Interface Implementation
- Multiple Interfaces’ Implementation
- Interfaces’ Inheritance
- How to create the object of Interface
Module 12: Polymorphism (Duration-1hr)
- Introduction to Polymorphism
- Types of Polymorphism
- Overloading Methods
- Overriding Methods
- Hiding Methods
- Final Class and Method
- Polymorphic Behavior in Java
- Benefits of Polymorphism
- “Is-A” vs “Has-A”
- Association Vs Aggregation
- Interview related Question and Answer.
Module 13: Package (Duration-2hrs)
- Package and Classpath and its use
- First, look into Packages
- Benefits of Packages
- Package Creation and Use
- First, look into the Classpath
- Classpath Setting
- Class Import
- Package Import
- Role of public, protected, default and private w.r.t package
- Namespace Management
- Package vs. Header File
- Creating and Using the Sub Package
- Sources and Class Files Management
Module 14: Using Predefined Package & Other Classes (Duration-2hrs)
- Java.lang Hierarchy
- Object class and using toString(), equals(),hashCode(), clone(), finalize() etc
- Using Runtime Class, Process Class to play music, video from Java Program
- Primitives and Wrapper Class
- Math Class
- String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder Class
- String Constant Pool
- Various usage and methods of String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder
- Wrapper Classes
- System Class using GC(), exit(), etc.
Module 15: New Concepts In Package (Duration-2hr)
- Autoboxing and Auto unboxing
- Static import.
- The instance of the operator.
- Enum and its use in Java
- Working with jar
Module 16: Garbage Collection (Duration-0.5hr)
- Garbage Collection Introduction
- Advantages of Garbage Collection
- Garbage Collection Procedure
- Java API
- Interview related Question and Answer
Module 17: Exception Handling (Duration-2hrs)
- Introduction to Exceptions
- Effects of Exceptions
- Exception Handling Mechanism
- Try, catch, finally blocks
- Rules of Exception Handling
- Exception class Hierarchy, Checked &
- Unchecked Exception
- Throw & throws keyword
- Custom Exception Class
- Chained Exception.
- Resource handling & multiple exception class
- Interview related Question and Answer.
Module 18: Multithreading (Duration-3hrs)
- Introduction
- Advantages
- Creating a Thread by inheriting from Thread class
- Run() and start() method.
- The constructor of Thread Class
- Various Method of Thread Class
- Runnable Interface Implementation
- Thread Group
- The Thread States and Priorities
- Synchronization method, block
- Class & Object Level Lock
- Deadlock & its Prevention
- Inter thread Synchronization
- Life Cycle of Thread
- Deprecated methods : stop(), suspend(),resume(), etc
- Interview related Question and Answer
Module 19: Input and Output Streams (Duration-3hrs)
- Java I/O Stream
- I/O Stream – Introduction
- Types of Streams
- Stream Class Hierarchy
- Using File Class
- Copy and Paste the content of a file
- Byte Streams vs Character Streams
- Text File vs Binary File
- Character Reading from Keyboard by Input Stream Reader
- Reading a Line/String from Keyboard by Buffered Reader
- Standard I/O Streams Using Data Streams to read/write
- primitive data
- PrintStream vs PrintWriter Using StreamTokenizer and RandomAccessFile
- Interview related Question and Answer
Module 20: Serialization (Duration-0.5hr)
- Introduction to Serialization
- Using Object Streams to read/write object
- Transient Keyword
- Serialization Process
- Deserialization Process
- Interview related Question and Answer
Module 21: Collection Framework (Duration-3hrs)
- Generics(Templates)
- What is generic
- Creating User-defined Generic classes
- The java.util package
- Collection
- What is Collection Framework
- List, Set & Map interfaces
- Using Vector, Array List, Stack,
- Linked List, etc.
- Using Collections class for sorting
- Using Hashtable, Hash Map, TreeMap,
- SortedMap, LinkedHashMap, etc.
- Iterator, Enumerator.
- Using Queue, Deque, SortedQue, etc.
- Using HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet, etc
- Using Random class
- Using Properties in a Java Program
- Using user-defined class for DataStructure
- Using Date and Formatting Date class.
- Interview related Question and Answer
Module 22: Java 8/9/10 Features (Duration-1hr)
MySQL Syllabus
Theory, Terminology and Concepts
- Client/Server Concepts
- Database and Database Objects
Data Definition using SQL
- Databases
- Data Types
- Tables
- Constraints and Indexes
- Views
Basic Data Manipulation using SQL
- Recurring SQL Constructs
- Adding data
- Modifying data
- Removing data
- Searching data
Advanced-Data Manipulation using SQL
- Expressions
- Grouping and Aggregate Functions
- Joining Tables
- Transaction Concepts
- SQL for working with Transaction
- Tools for Import/Export
- SQL for Import/Export
Are you Looking for Customized Syllabus
We are also providing customized syllabus to the students according to their needs and projects requirements for the cons
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Fully Hands-on Training
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Own Course Materials
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Full Stack Developer Exams & Certification
GangBoard Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world. We provide after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher’s as well as corporate trainees.
Our certification at GangBoard is accredited worldwide. It increases the value of your resume and you can attain leading job posts with the help of this certification in leading MNC’s of the world. The certification is only provided after successful completion of our training and practical based projects.
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GangBoard is the best place for learning software IT Courses. They provide unique course materials, a curriculum plan and well-trained instructors along with 24/7 support. The course content prepared GangBoard is extremely inline with real-time client specifications. Thanks to the whole GangBoard team.
Software Engineer
I had an Amazing Learning Experience from GangBoard. I am very much thankful to my trainer for explaining in a great way and developing my interest further in this topic. It's really a great opportunity for me to take Training in GangBoard. Thanks to the entire team of GangBoard.
Software Engineer
I have done Training in GangBoard. It's really an awesome learning experience. All the concepts were covered without any compromise. The instructor was very well determined and Focussed on Clear Examples. It's completely awesome. Thanks to GangBoard.
Software Engineer
Thanks to GangBoard for providing excellent Software IT Courses. I would like to say thanks to the support team for there advice and help whenever I faced any issues. They are always ready to help you to solve the issues. I like this approach from GangBoard.
Software Engineer
I took Training with GangBoard. It is an amazing experience. Excellent course structure, Experienced faculty, superb support team. They are always with the success of student carrier, very prompt service they are committed to what they promised.
GangBoard Full Stack Developer Training in Chennai View 9 Locations Nearby
No.8, 11th Main road,
Vijaya nagar, Velachery,
Chennai – 600 042.
1st Floor, No.2A
Duraisami Reddy Street,
West Tambaram,
Chennai – 600 045.
No. 5/318, 2nd Floor,
Sri Sowdeswari Nagar,
OMR, Okkiyam Thoraipakkam,
Chennai – 600 097.
No. 180/84, 1st Floor,
Karnataka Bank Building,
Trunk Road, Porur,
Chennai – 600 116.
Anna Nagar
1371, 28 street kambar colony,
1st Block, Anna Nagar,
Chennai – 600 040.
Old No:146/2- New No: 48,
Habibullah Road, T.Nagar,
Chennai – 600 017.
22/67, 1st Floor,
North mada street,
Kamaraj Nagar,Thiruvanmiyur,
Chennai – 600 041.
No. 4/76, Ambedkar Street,
OMR Road, Egatoor,
Siruseri, Chennai 600 130.
Maraimalai Nagar
No.37, Ground Floor,
Thiruvalluvar Salai,
Maraimalai Nagar,
Chennai 603 209.