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Convolutional Neural Network

Convolutional Neural Network

June 20th, 2019

Convolutional Neural Network

There are categories in Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is one among them to perform images recognition and image classification. Apart from powering vision in self-driving cars and robots, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)s are extensively used for object detections, traffic signs, face recognition and so on. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) image classifications task starts with capturing input images, process those images, and organize it under respective categories.
In today’s trend, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) stands out to be the most principal means for the utmost machine learning practitioners. However, understanding the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)  and learning to use them for the first time can sometimes be an intimidating experience. The primary purpose of this blog is to developing knowledge of how Convolutional Neural Networks work on images.

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) – Architecture

There are many convolutional and subsampling layers in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that are voluntarily tracked by completely associated layers. A convolutional layer needs input as m x m x r image and these input parameters are given below:
m = height of the image
m =  width of the image
r = number of channels
The convolutional layer contains k filters otherwise called as kernels, which is of size n x n x q.
n = lesser when compared to the image dimension
q = either same as the channels count (or) smaller. This value may differ for every kernel.
A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is built with numerous blocks such as pooling layers, convolution layers, and entirely connected layers (FC). The model presentation under a specific kernel and weight is calculated with a loss function via forwarding propagation on a learnable parameters and training dataset, That is, weights and kernels are reorganized as per the loss value via backpropagation with Gradient Descent Optimization Algorithm.

Do you want to know how CNN varies from other approaches practiced in radio mics?

There are many significant hand-crafted structures used in the latest radio mics studies which are texture analysis, tailed by conventional machine learning classifiers like support vendor machines and random forests. Between those methods and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), you can see numerous variances. Initially, hand-crafted feature extraction is not required in CNN and the next point to be noted is CNN designs do not essentially need tumors segmentation or structures by human professionals. And one of the fine concepts is Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is further data starving as there are millions of learnable parameters for evaluation, and hence, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is collectively expensive, ending up with the requirement of Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) for typical training.

Limitations of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

  • Insufficient parameter collection practices leading to underprivileged minima.
  • The need for the large count of training models.
  • CNN Network must display invariance to translation, ascending and flexible deformations.
  • Information can be combined at advanced phases to receive developed order features and details on the whole image.

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Systems evolved in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

Within radiology, there are systems involved with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and they are discussed below:

Classification system within Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

To get the information on the classification system within CNN, let us pick the discussion on medical image analysis. In this kind of analysis, classification with deep education typically employs target lesions portrayed in medical images, and such lesions are categorized into two or more modules.
Here we have an example like deep learning is often utilized for the lung nodules classification on Computed Tomography (CT) images. As exposed, it is essential to make a great quantity of training information with consistent tags for competent classification via Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). In terms of lung nodule classification, lung nodules CT images and its respective labels are meant as training data. Upon completing the CNN training, medical images target lesions can be detailed during the deployment phase either by Computer-aided Detection systems or medical doctors.

Segmentation system within Convolutional Neural Network (CNN):

Organ segmentation or anatomical structure segmentation is an ultimate image processing method for medicinal image investigation like a measurable estimation of medical parameters (such as organ size & figure) and Computer-aided Diagnosis (CAD) system. I hope you have gone through the previous section which talks about the classification based on the lesions. Here, we learn about the segmentation that can be achieved by radiologists via manual process or enthusiastic staffs and this stands out to be a laborious method. Though, we can also make use of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) process for this job.
Mostly, a segmentation system straight away obtains a whole image and produces its segmentation result. The segmentation system training data contains the medical images that hold the organ (structure of interest) and the segmentation result, but the end result is primarily attained from the previously completed manual segmentation process. One of the most important methods to make segmentation is using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifier to calculate the organ probability or bodily structure. For this kind of approach, there are two (2) steps to perform in the segmentation process and they are provided below:

  • The initial step is the probability map construction of the organ or material structure via CNN and image patches.
  • The next step is the refinement process in which the probability map and worldwide image context are utilized.

Detection system within Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

Detecting deviations in medical images is a common duty for radiologists. Deviations or abnormalities is not happening all the time and in a rare case, they must be detected when there are numerous usual cases. The latest study made an investigation on 2D-CNN for detecting tuberculosis on chest radiographs. This study made use of two (2) dissimilar methods of 2D-CNN to detect pulmonary tuberculosis.

  • AlexNet
  • GoogLeNet


  • A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture is the meekest method that transforms the image capacity into an output capacity.
  • Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has a few discrete kinds of layers.
  • Layers of CNN receives a 3D volume input and transforms the same to 3D volume output via a various function.
  • Layers of CNN may or may not contain parameters.
  • Layers of CNN may or may not contain extra hyperparameters.
  • The process to calculate the feature map for 1D and 2D convolutional layers.

I hope you all are aware of what is Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), how CNN works, CNN architectures, how image recognition happened through Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and the systems handled with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).

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