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Spoken English Vs Written English

Spoken English Vs Written English

April 25th, 2019

Spoken English Vs Written English

English is a popular language globally established as an international dialect. It is a must have skill and particularly accepted as universal language due to its ease of learning and speaking. Speaking of learning, it is important that a learner must have deep knowledge about the deeper aspects of language. The not-so-complex world of grammar and punctuations providing the language the beautiful logics it is known for.
Coming back to our topic of today, it is important that a learner must know the difference between ‘spoken English’ and ‘written English’. We may think that both are alike as they are the part of same language, but both have very different approaches regarding their use and elements which make them different. The difference is so deep that it impacts the use of English while speaking and writing.

Spoken English

Spoken English mean the verbal use of the English Language to have a conversation with people. During conversation, the use of the language is in immediate interactions. It is happening in real time which leave you with some advantage to leave the sentence incomplete, use improper grammar as the listener can interpret the meaning from other external pointing factors.  Thus, speech as everything is happening in the real time doesn’t force you particularly on the rules.
These leverages often present the ‘Spoken English’ loosely structured but the important part of any conversation is the sharing of knowledge and context. Also, while speaking the use of the tone, pitch of voice provides the emotional context of the speaker which is easily conveyed to the listener which is very impactful and is often used in political rallies and debate. The use of pitch, timbre, and volume are the key element in the ‘Speaking English’ use of them provide the depth understanding to the English Language as one can not only convey the context and Knowledge but also can convey the feeling and emotions these allow the person to express themselves better in public.

Written English

Written English is the use of English language to convey the message, information in a format of text. The text format will be permanent and not changeable once it is printed or sent. This is the barrier while writing any language. Also, the other barrier is since the written language is not going to be a direct interaction between two or more people it has to be precise to make its point clear or to convey the message fully and effectively.
These barriers make the use of certain elements important differentiating it totally from ‘Speaking English’. As one has to be precise and effective the written English always use certain formats for different types of text and context example the format of letter is totally different than the application. Also, to convey the emotion properly the use of punctuation is required which will increase the tone and weight of sentence by providing emotional depth.
The writers often make use of these literal-beneficiaries such as colour, heading, and page layouts to interact and express themselves louder and clearer. The Use of Written English is often in newspaper, books, letter and application so the use of formats, heading, punctuation make it well-structured with proper grammar since the document can travel through the space and time to convey the message and knowledge.

Spoken English Vs Written English

Spoken English

Written English

Spoken English is mostly Transient.

Written English is mostly permanent.

Poorly structured with use of incomplete words and improper grammar.

Well-structured with the use of proper grammar.

Use volume, pitch and timbre to convey the depth of context and knowledge.

Use punctuation heading, format, colour, page layout to convey the depth of context and knowledge.

Spoken English is mostly use in scripts, news reports etc.

Written Language is complex and use in books, e-mail, letter, application.


Since it is a dynamic process, two or more people interact and can share the context, knowledge and unspoken meanings to are easily conveyed.

There is no immediate feedback from the readers, therefore the context clarification is far more lengthened process. Also, if two people share intimacy defining context become easier.

Only recorded material provides you the partial freedom to be analysed and used in such a way.

Written material provides you the freedom to read them repeatedly and get analysed. Also, there is a scope of improvisation greatly.

Some type of vocabulary is specifically used in speech. It includes, tags, slangs etc.

Some grammatical constructs are used only in written English. Such as acronyms, abbreviations, chemical formulas and compounds.