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Salesforce Certification Verification

Salesforce Certification Verification

May 21st, 2019

Salesforce Certification Verification

Salesforce is the most demanded skill today. It has been completely embedded as CRM platform for much officialdom. Salesforce provides the edge to professional’s career by offering different certification viz. Salesforce architects, developers and marketing professionals, etc.
Once you are certified by Salesforce, you can verify your certification online. This blog provides information about various certifications available by Salesforce and its verification.

Main Certifications Available by Salesforce

Salesforce has numerous certifications viz. developer, architect, app builder, administrator, advanced administrator, etc. Following are the certifications proposed by Salesforce:

1). Platform App Builder

If you love designing, building and implementing custom applications by Salesforce, this certification is for you. It may involve programming and understanding of customized functions of the Salesforce platform.

Duration 90 minutes
Number of questions 60
Type of questions MCQs
Passing score 65%

2). Salesforce Certified Architect

This domain offers many certifications based on your expertise and knowledge. The most progressive level exam in this domain is Salesforce Technical Architect.

3). Salesforce Certified Administrator

Salesforce provides you with two types of certifications here, Salesforce Certified Administrator and Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator.
Once you clear the exam for certified administrator, you can apply for advanced administrator certification by Salesforce. Exam pattern is as follows:

Duration 90 minutes
Number of questions 63
Type of questions MCQs
Passing score 65%

4). Salesforce Certified Developer

It also offers different certifications based on your expertise. Exam pattern is as follows:

Duration 105 minutes
Number of questions 60
Type of questions MCQs
Passing score 68%
Once you have cleared the exam, you will get the results immediately. You will get a confirmation email too.
Salesforce issues new system updates three times in a year. Every update demands all professionals to uphold all the certifications with Trailhead upkeep modules associated with the Salesforce product release successions. Based on your credential, the total of certification maintenance units published a year might vary. If you fail to pass the issued unit by its time limit, all credentials kept by that unit will expire, or sometimes become suspended.

Verification of Salesforce Certification:

You should always link your Trailhead with Webassesor accounts so that your certification status would track as current. You can visit the page for verification and under “Certification holder” enter your email used for Webassessor. On the submission of request, you would get an email listing following details

  • Your credentials
  • Necessary maintenance module
  • Due date
  • Trailhead linking status

You would also get reminders per month. Verification page of Salesforce Certification allows you to mark your expertise and certifications visible.

Your employer can also verify your certification: 

If they choose to participate, they can search your name or email address, view the certifications you have. The verification page will give your name and location with all active Salesforce certifications along with the date you were certified. To take advantage of this feature, you need to opt-in:

  • Login to test taker account of Webassessor.
  • Go to “Edit Profile” link given in the top right corner of screen.
  • Change the verification opt-in check box.
  • Click on Save.

If you do not update your test taker profile or if you select ‘No’ for the verification opt-in, your certifications will not be listed on the certification verification page.

Steps for verification of Salesforce Certification:

  1. Go to  http://certification.salesforce.com/verification?&fullname=John%20Dray
  2. In the verification option you will can verify your credentials or check the status.


  1. Directly go to https://trailhead.salesforce.com/credentials/verification.
  2. Search by your full name or email address.

You can also login to Webassesor. After login just check the list where Completed Exams are mentioned. All the maintenance exams performed on Trailhead will also show up there sooner or later. 


For verification of your credentials, keep the following points in mind:
If you are using Salesforce credentials verification on trailhead using following link:
Before using ‘Verify a Salesforce Certified Professional’, you must opt in for the verification in Webassessor profile you created.
Once you complete your certification requirements on Trailhead, your status will be updated after 1 business day. Once it is updated, you would receive a confirmation email and you would be able to see a record in your Completed Exams list in Webassessor account.